Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Hope Contest Winners!

First, let me tell you how much I appreciate all of you participating! That was such an encouragement to me. I wish I had a little something for everyone! But I'm trying to live on a budget. Still, I got caught up in the moment and when I ordered the prizes I decided on 3. (Luckily, I get a discount at the bookstore I ordered from.)

The winners are (by the casting of lots) -- drum roll --

Congratulations. I couldn't decide between two books. So, Ann and Melissa are getting (by luck of the draw) Exquisite Hope by Ann Barnhill. A friend gave me a copy for Christmas and I've enjoyed it. Becky will be getting Hope Has It's Reasons by Becky Pippert. I read this book a number of years ago and recently discovered that a couple of years ago it was revised and updated. Some of the ideas in it have always stuck with me.
Both are excellent reads.
I recommend them to anyone thinking about hope!
Also, be sure to read all the insightful comments left here. There were some good ones and they have spurred my thinking about hope. I plan to share my thoughts on your sweet thoughts soon. So, check back regularly or if you want you can subscribe. I'd love it either way!
Thanks for giving me hope and encouragement.
(Ann, Melissa, and Becky -- please email me at abrooke2002@gmail.com with your addresses so I can send you your prize!)

Lastly, Jody left me a comment and I tried to get to her blog so I could email her the recipes. Jody, if you read this, please email me at the above address so I can send them to you!


Becky Avella said...

Amy, thank you so much! I am so excited to be one of the winners and to read this new book. Thank you for your generosity and for reminding us all to not lose hope.


Ann said...

Thanks so much!! What a blessing--thanks!