Tuesday, November 11, 2008

A New Use For Leaves

Do you have a Compassion child? I read somewhere that we can send laminated leaves or flowers or such. I found some self adhesive (and it sticks right away) at the office store and did three note card size ones. I may give one to a friend of mine to send to her child. They are small leaves, but I didn't want anything that would mess up the envelope.

This is what the three cards together looked like. It just sounded like a novel idea, so I thought I would give it a try. Maybe I can find some small orange or yellow ones too.


1 comment:

Paula V said...

Did you lay the leaves on a blank card (or card stock paper) and then just put the laminate on the front of the card over the leaves?

This is ingenious. I wonder if any of my leaves in the yard are still moist enough to use...that is not dried to crackling piece. I have the most gorgeous leaves in my yard...all colors.
Thanks for the idea.